DIY Haircut: See-through Bangs for the Fall!

So… I have bangs now!


For the first time since high school. But this time, I decided to use the $70 that would go to my haircut elsewhere…. and cut my bangs by myself.

As a kid, I had always sported thick bangs, as many other asian girls do. So I understand the painstaking process of trying to grow out your bangs…(especially at that awkward length where you can’t pin it up but you can’t tuck it behind your ears either!!!) So I wanted to test out the “see-though” bangs, a relatively recent Korean trend where the bangs are light and wispy. I gotta say, this was a very spontaneous, creative whirlwind of last-minute Youtube-tutorials and shuffling through my stuff to find a pair of scissors.

Basically, you take a comb and you part your hair down the middle. Then, you grab a very small amount of hair in the shape of a triangle like the diagram below:


and slowly cut … INCHES AT A TIME. It’s always better not to be too impulsive and chop it all off at once, so you can make sure you get the exact length you want. At first your hair might want to go back to its own shape, but after a few washes and persistently drying it in one direction, my bangs have begun to settle down somewhat. And so far, I’m loving the way it looks! The change was pretty refreshing, and I kinda like the way it makes my hair look a little bit disheveled 🙂

This is the look with my natural, straight hair.


The good thing about see-through bangs is that if you change your part back to a side part, you can sort of go back to a no-bang look. No more fear of taking the leap of cutting your bangs and having major regrets!

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

And as you can tell, I really like wearing my pearl earrings with this new hairstyle for some reason! I think it’s because of the slight 90’s vibe.

I would love to hear your thoughts!